Endometriosis is an extremely common yet severely under researched disease, affecting 176 million women worldwide, and an estimated 1 in 10 women in the United States.  The average age for diagnoses is 29, and the average diagnosis time from the onset of symptoms is ten years.  Endometriosis affects reproductive age women, and occurs when tissues similar to that of the endometrium (the lining of the uterus) grow throughout the body, forming adhesions and lesions and causing scar tissue to grow.  These tissues mimic that of the endometrium in that they try to bleed and flow causing debilitating and chronic pain. 

Our Story

Rocky Mountain Endo blossomed out of a desire to educate women with endometriosis about natural and holistic ways of healing and supporting our bodies.  From diet and nutrition to lifestyle and yoga to herbs and meditation, RME offers opportunities for women to gather together to learn and grow.


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